So fast ...
Waving around the stick in glee
The plus sign
A sign I had been waiting for
Wait, better check again
Yes, yes it's true!
But better get the blood check just to make sure ...
Sick sick oh so sick
Was that a kick?
Push push, now a kick back!
Baby, you are in there
You are real
Push! Push!
On my side
So fast
Push! Ow! Push!
Blue baby in my arms. Oh god!
Chubby face, closed eyes, cheek rubbing against my chest
Thank God
Nurses rubbing her pink
It's a girl! A girl! I have a girl!
I thought I wanted all boys ...
But a girl, my girl, I have a daughter. Oh wow. So full of joy.
She's mine.
So tiny.
So much bigger than he was.
Look at those thighs!
And her tuchis!
Chunks and rolls and so warm
In my arms
No longer in my belly
How did that happen?
She smiles
She stretches
She sleeps against me
Faces inches from each other
We breath as one
Like we used to, but now she is against my belly instead of in it
Wow. Just wow. So amazing.
The tiny pudgy toes. The fingernails.
Oh look, her eyelashes have grown in!
When did that happen?
Naked butt after bath
Trying to rub lotion on a squirmy body
Pushing onto her knees
What?! How can that be?
Back arching against the wrap
Time to switch to the Ergo
Small fingers flutter against my ribs
Magic butterfly memories of love
Of connection
She moves
Slide push slide
Back back back
She's off the play mat!
But she's too young ...
She's off
One knee, scoot
Yes, she's across the room
Damn! That was fast
So fast
Ow! Tiny little corner of a tooth
Pokes against my fingertip
Poor hurting baby
Pulling pulling
How can she already pull herself up?
Big huge ginormous smile
So proud of herself
Look Ima, one-handed
I am amazing
Yes, my baby, you are
How do you do that?
Eyes follow the food from my plate
To my mouth
Big wide eyes
Watching watching
Guess it's time I share
The goodness the earth has given us
She may be ready
I’m not ready
My baby
No, I’m not ready
So fast
Asleep in my arms
Hand against my breast
She no longer fits in just my lap
Her feet rest against the couch arm
Seven and a half months
So fast
Stay stay
No, grow
But stay too.
Too fast
Three and a half years
So fast
A blur
So much
Come into my lap
Let me breathe in your hair
Your skin
Look into your eyes
My eyes
So fast
Let me remember
I can't slow it down
I often want to speed it up so I can just sleep
Let me hold you
Kiss you
Oh crap, forgot to brush your teeth
Must do that
Put on shoes
Pack bag
Get snacks
Go go go! We're late!
So so fast
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